
Outreach and Mission 

Columbus Community United Church's most active group is the Outreach group.  These volunteers receive and sort food deliveries and then deliver the food to those in need.  We are very blessed to be affiliated with Feed The Need, Simcoe Hall Settlement House, and Cobs Bread who count on us to provide nourishment to clients on their lists.  Food, clothing, kitchen items, money, gift cards, and volunteer hours are all welcome.  Please call our office if you are interested in helping out those less fortunate; 905-655-8852.

Sunday School

All children are welcome to come downstairs for Sunday School after the children's prayer on Sunday mornings.  Laura and Dawn will be ready with activities to keep everyone busy and messages to help them to learn about a Christian lifestyle.  Moms and Dads are welcome to visit the Sunday School too; especially if your child is on the shy side.


Council members are appointed by the congregation and oversee all work done by church committees and its congregation.  The Minister, any assisting ministers, and a number of other congregation members form this council.  An executive is comprised of a chair, a vice-chair, an administrative assistant, a treasurer, and the standing committee chairs.

The Mens' Breakfast Club

Our men meet on the third Saturday of each month to share breakfast, camaraderie, and the wisdom of guest speakers.  The women are invited to join a couple of times per year.

The Choir

Anyone who enjoys singing is welcome to join our choir.  We sing one anthem each Sunday morning and rehearse at 9:15 AM before the 10 o'clock service in the choir loft.  Guests are always welcome.