
Outreach Program

Meeting of Outreach helpers Thursday, February 6th, at 10AM.

Can you help others?  We need volunteers to drive groceries to individuals and families with food insecurity.  The need is great.  If you could help us with one or two deliveries per month, it would help greatly.  Call Ian at 289-939-5451.

If driving and delivery is not your talent, you could:

  • Donate money or gift cards to Columbus Community United Church "Outreach".
  • Donate food items.  See a sale? Buy a few extras and donate them to "Outreach".
  • Donate usable clothing, furniture, or kitchen items to Mission Thrift Store and let them know that you are donating on behalf of Columbus United Church.

Bible Study 

Bible Study happens every Tuesday at 2PM.  Meet at the Parker residence.  Anyone is welcome, but please let Rev. Richard know to expect you.

Men and Ladies' Breakfast

All men and ladies are invited to a Breakfast on Saturday, February 15th, at 9:00 AM.  A delicious hot breakfast will be served, followed by a guest speaker, and a free will offering.

For further information, please contact Darlene Peddle in the church office at 905-655-8852, or